Friday 29 March 2013

Techiyat HaMeitim - the Resurrection

Techiyat hameitim means the resurrection of the dead. Rambam stated: "I believe with perfect faith that the dead will be brought back to life when God wills it to happen." (This is the 13th and last of Rambam's Principles of Faith) Is there no hope for the dead? Is our life simply finished -- over -- when we die? No, not at all. Notice the words of the Rav Shaul. "If in this life only we have hope in Mashiach, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Mashiach risen

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Galut (the exile) and Mashiach

Galut or Golus (Hebrew: גלות‎), means literally exile. Galut or Golus classically refers to the exile of the Jewish people from the Land of Israel. There were altogether four such exiles. These are said to be alluded to in Abraham's biblical vision of the future of his descendants according to Bereishit Rabba (44:17): "And behold, a great, dark fear fell upon him." "'Fear' refers to Babylonia ... 'dark' refers to Media. ... 'great' refers to

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Wednesday 27 March 2013

E Moshé disse ad HaShem (Pésach)

Parashat: Pésach (Pasqua)
Parashà: Shemot (Esodo) 33:12-34:26 (I Sefer)
Maftir: Bamidbar (Numeri) 28:19-25 (
Haftarà: Yechezkel / Ezechiele 37:1 - 14
Questa lettura si conclude con l’esortazione relativa al dovere di Israele di restare fedele a D-o. Israele deve ad HaShem sia la sua esistenza e sia la libertà, la liberazione dalla schiavitù. La Parashat sottolinea l'importanza di Pesach e delle osservanze rituali.

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Learning Hebrew – The letter Resh (עִבְרִית)

The Hebrew Letter Resh (Heb. רֵשׁ ;ר), the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet; its numerical value is 200 It is symbolic of wickedness as well as higher consciousness. However, the Hebrew Letter Resh is the 20th letter in the order of the Alef Bet, the number 20 seems to be a number or time of waiting (enduring) in scripture. Maybe this has to do with its double , 40, which is also a time of testing. Isaac waited 20 years for a child, Jacob served Laban

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Sunday 24 March 2013


Parashat: Tzav (Ordine)
Parashà: Vayikra / Levitico 6:1 - 8:36
Haftarà: Yermiyahu / Geremia 7:21 - 8:3; 9:22
La Parashat inizia con un comando: (“E il Signore parlò a Mosè, dicendo: לֵּאמֹר משֶׁה אֶל יְהֹוָה וַיְדַבֵּר”), e comandò ad

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Thursday 14 March 2013

Ahava is a word of action

This last week we had a double Parashat, with the ending of the book of Shemot or Exodus, bringing to us the idea about giving and participating in community with the building of the Mishkan, bringing Kehal Israel as one where together we would do according to their own giftedness in the areas in which God has endowed us. To do so we all first need to check ourselves and be right with Him — this means to be right with our fellow man.
The word “love” in Hebrew, ahava, is a

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E chiamò - Sidra Vayikra

Il terzo libro della Torah, Vaikrà, conosciuto anche con il nome di Torat ha korbanot, legge dei sacrifici od anche Sefer ha tararà ve ha kedushà, libro della purità e della santità, inizia con questa Parashat che così introduce la chiamata: לֵאמֹר מוֹעֵד מֵאֹהֶל אֵלָיו

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Friday 8 March 2013

Learning Hebrew – The letter Kuf (עִבְרִית)

The letter Kuf  is the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Hebrew, Kuf is spelled with three letters: קוף Kuf, Vav and final Pei, which literally means “monkey, baboon, or ape.” In Aramaic, קוף Kuf means “the eye of a needle.”
The letter Kuf equals the number one hundred in the Hebrew alphabet, signifying the completion of living matter. It is said that at the age of one hundred a person returns to

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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Appropriating His Community: Moshe Rabenu

Weekly Sidra: Ki Tisa (when you lift up)
Torah Portion: Shemot / Exodus 30:1-34:35
Haftorah: Melachim Alef / I Kings 18:20-18:39
This parashah, Ki Tisa begins with the giving of the half shekel by every man over 20 years, equally rich and poor alike as an offering to make atonement for their souls.  This takes place after the golden calf incident showing us that we cannot take this book chronologically but according to the stories and pictures it is telling us. We

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E fece radunare - Vayakel - Pekudè

Parashat: Vayakel - Pekudè (Radunò - Questo è il computo)
Parashà: Shemoth (Esodo) 35:1-40:38
Haftarà: Melachim Alef / I (I Re) 7:51-8:21
La Parashat di questo Shabbat è divisa in 7 sezioni.
Inizia con la Mitzvah dello Shabbat e la pena per la sua trasgressione. Si noti che il passo 35:3 (.הַשַּׁבָּת ,בְּיוֹם

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