Friday 31 August 2012

Love Letters – Sidra Ki Teitzei

Weekly Sidra: Ki Teitzei (When you Go)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19 
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 54:1–54:10

I recall when my wife and I first met I couldn’t wait to see her and wanted to spend every waking minute talking with her.  We were in love. 
I am happy to say that 22 years later we are still going.  We have had our share of difficulties and trials, but with Hashem’s help we have seen it

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Thursday 30 August 2012

Under the Olive Tree and not the Christmas tree

The Bible is filled with imagery of the olive tree. From the olive branch in the mouth of the dove in Noah's time to the Emissary Shaul; the use of the olive tree as a symbol of Israel and the engrafted non-Jews everywhere you look and you will encounter the olive tree; its branches, leaves, sprigs, oil, fruit, roots and pits; all usefulness and symbolic.
There are two varieties of olive tree, the cultivated variety Olea europaea sativa and the wild variety Olea europaea oleaster.

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Tuesday 28 August 2012

E-Torah - Following the ways of God

Torah 24/7, the weekly Torah portion all at the convenience of your computer. Please keep our website marked so that you can get more articles concerning our hope, Melech HaMashiach.
Torah is the Hebrew word meaning teaching. It's root means to throw or shoot an arrow.? HaShem uses this word Torah in scripture to signify His Teaching to His people. The Teaching which God gave Moses (Moshe) is called the Torah of Moses, but this does not mean that Moses authored it,

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Friday 24 August 2012

What is Life’s Purpose?

We all wish to live a meaningful life. But why are we living? What are we doing in this world? What are we straving for? What are our goals after we die?

To find the answers to these central questions we must look in the very book of life itself – the Torah, which is called Torat Chaim (a living Torah). The word “Torah” means “instruction” or“guidance”, for the Torah is our guide in life (Torah strictly speaking is the first five Books of the

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Thursday 23 August 2012

Hashem is King – HaShem Melech

Weekly Sidra: Shofetim (Judges)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 51:12-52:12
How welcome on the mountain Are the footsteps of the herald Announcing happiness, Heralding good fortune, Announcing victory, Telling Zion, "Your God is King!" (Isaiah 52:7)
This week’s Torah portion speaks about what kind of ruler Israel should have.
“14 If, after you have entered the land that the Lord your God has assigned

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Friday 17 August 2012

Nothing but Bore Olam!

Anyone can experience the Infinite Light, at least for a limited time. Just close your eyes and meditate on the fact that nothing exists but Bore Olam (the Creator of the universe), until you forget yourself completely. Then automatically all your sufferings will cease.
The more one is aware of serving God and becoming a conduit for God's will, the greater the rectified ego can lead others: "
"He used to say: Do His will as if it was your will that He may do your will as if it

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Monday 13 August 2012

Recognizing the Unity of HaShem

Divine simplicity - an absolute unity
Judaism is based on a strict unitary monotheism and a belief in one indivisible God. The Shema Yisrael, one of the most important Jewish prayers, encapsulates the monotheistic nature of Judaism.
We read in the Jewish Scriptures: Shema Yisrael, HaShem Elokeinu, HaShem Echad Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God, the Lord is One …Deuteronomy 6:4
Judaism emphatically rejects any concept of plurality with respect to God, explicitly rejecting

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A Day of Rest - Sidra Reeh

Weekly Sidra: Reeh (See)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Maftir: Bamidbar / Numbers 28:9-15
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 66:1-66:24 (Shabbat Rosh Chodesh)
“For as the new heaven and the new earth Which I will make Shall endure by My will— declares HaShem — So shall your seed and your name endure. And new moon after new moon, And Sabbath after Sabbath, All flesh shall come to worship Me— said HaShem” — (Isaiah

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Friday 10 August 2012

¿Porque y para que aflige el Eterno?

Tora: Devarim / Deuteronomio 7:12-11:25
Haftara: Yeshayahu / Isaias 49:14-51:3
Y te acordarás de todo el camino que el Eterno te hizo seguir en estos cuarenta años en el desierto para ponerte a prueba, para saber qué había en tu corazón, si cumplirías sus mandatos o los desobedecerías. Y te afligió... Devarim 8:2-3
¿El Eterno, aflige a sus hijos? Si
¿Por qué nos aflige? -Israel fué afligido

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Shabbat Rest - Keeping you Holy

The command to observe the Shabbat is almost always prefaced by the statement, “you shall do your work for six days etc.” Why the need for this prologue related to the regular week? Why doesn’t the Torah just tell us about the actual day of Shabbat?
One possible reason is that the Torah is making clear that it is an obligation to work. Whatever form that work takes it is an obligation for every person to use their talents, abilities, and creativity to help

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The inner meaning of Tefillin?

“You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 6:8) This statute has been traditionally interpreted as the law of tefillin (phylacteries). Tefillin consist of small, hollow, black leather boxes that contain several parchments of relevant Scripture verses: Exodus 13:1–10; 13:11–16; Deuteronomy 6:4–9; 11:13–21. The small black boxes are bound on the arm and forehead by means of

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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Return Home - Parashat Ekev

The children you thought you had lost Shall yet say in your hearing, "The place is too crowded for me; Make room for me to settle." (Isaiah 49:20)
The majority of us dream of owning our own place. Imagine that you have a house and one day you leave for work. You return only to find that the locks have been changed and some squatters have taken over your property.
This appears to be the problem for Jews in Israel today. We were promised a Jewish homeland according to the

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Sunday 5 August 2012

I Am A Zionist

At a time where Zionism is defamed and slandered, this article sets out the truth.
I am a Zionist.
I believe that the Jewish people established itself in the Land of Israel, albeit somewhat late. Had it listened to the alarm clock, there would have been no Holocaust, and my dead grandfather – the one I was named after – would have been able to dance a last waltz with grandma on the shores of the Yarkon River.
I am a Zionist.
Hebrew is the language I use to thank

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Japanese View of the Palestinians

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel. For our Arab unity.

In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of Palestinian people, since Arab national interest demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism".

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Friday 3 August 2012

Las Raíces hebreas de nuestra fé

El Shaliaj (Emisario) Shimon Kefa (Pedro) y el Shaliaj Shaul (Pablo) son reconocidos como los hombres que introdujeron el cambio entre los seguidoress de Yeshua. Lo interesante es que ambos declararon por separado que Yeshua el Mesias no vino a establecer una nueva religion sino mas bien a cumplir todo lo que estaba escrito en los escritos profeticos de las Escrituras Hebreas o Tanach (ver Ma’asei Talmidim / Hechos 3:12-26 y 24:14).
Maran Yeshua mismo verifico que El no habia venido

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¿Quienes son los Judios Marranos? (Videos)

El término marrano hace referencia a los judíos convertidos externamente al cristianismo Catolico en las coronas de Castilla y Portugal y que siguieron observando clandestinamente sus costumbres y su religión original. ambién se les ha denominado judaizantes o cripto-judíos, por su parte, los judíos sefardíes prefieren utilizar la palabra hebrea Anusim, (אֲנוּסִים, 'forzados'), o bien

¿Quienes son los Judios Marranos? (Videos)

The Mitzvah of Mezuzah - מזוזה

Devarim 6:9 “And thou shalt write them upon the door-posts (mezuzah) of thy house, and upon thy gates.” (Parasha Vaetchanan)
Jews have been putting mezuzot on the doors of their houses since biblical days. A mezuzah (Hebrew: מְזוּזָה‎ "doorpost"; plural: מְזוּזוֹת mezuzot) is a piece of parchment (often contained in a decorative case) inscribed with specified

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Pleading for Comfort - Parashat Vaetchanan

Weekly Sidra: Va’etchanan (and I pleaded)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 40:1-40:26
1 Comfort, oh comfort My people, Says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, And declare to her that her term of service is over, that her iniquity is expiated; For she has received at the hand of HaShem, double for all her sins. (Isaiah 40:1-2)
This week we read a special haphtarah for the Sabbath immediately following Tisha

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