Monday 31 December 2012

Il Popolo che non ha un “nome”

Parashat: Shemot (Nome)
Parashà: Shemot (Esodo) 1:1-6:1
Haftarà: Yesha’yahu (Isaia) 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23
Con questa Parashat inizia la storia di Israele vera e propria: la storia del popolo. Il primo libro è il libro dei patriarchi, il libro dei personaggi illustri e grandi, di coloro che con le opere e con la vita prepararono la nascita di Israele; il secondo libro è il libro della gente ebraica, è la storia del divenire

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Sunday 30 December 2012

Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:6

Yehoshua ben Prachiah e Nitai HaArbeili ricevettero da loro (Yossi Ben Yoezer e Yossi ben Yochanan). Yehoshua ha detto: Fai per te un Rav (un insegnante), trovati un amico, e giudica ogni persona favorevolmente.
 ;חבר לך וקנה ,רב לך עשה ,אומר פרחיה בן יהושוע .מהם

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Benching Gomel: Emunah and Gratitude

One of the greatest character traits that we as Torah Jews need to learn, practice and internalize is the middah of hakarat hatov: acknowledging the good that we have received and expressing our appreciation and gratitude for it.
Aside from the brachot we say over food, there are three other brachot that help us express our hakarat hatov for the miracle of life itself. The first is the bracha of Modim in the Shemoneh Esrei prayer. In Modim we thank God for the hidden miracles that are

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Saturday 29 December 2012

Rosh Hashanah / Yom Teruah / Sounding the Shofar

...In the seventh month, on the first of the month, there shall be a sabbath for you, a remembrance with shofar blasts, a holy convocation. -Leviticus 23:24 (Note: when any Bible holiday falls any day, that day becomes Shabbat / Sabbath, even if it is Tuesday).
Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of Tishri. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means, literally, "head of the year" or "first of the year." Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish New Year. This

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Thursday 27 December 2012

Help my Unbelief (Emunah and Bitachon)

Imagine having a child, with demonic possession so strong he is mentally incapable of taking care of himself, or imagine what it is for parents to see their child constantly trying to commit suicide. Would you have hope? One man in Mark chapter 9 had such a child, one who from his adolescence could not control himself and often was saved from the fire and from drowning. The mother and father must have prayed brought him to ever rabbi imaginable, possibly even to the high priest

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Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:5

Yossi ben Yochanan di Gerusalemme ha detto: Lasciate che la vostra casa sia aperta e che i poveri siano nella vostra casa. E non portate avanti eccessive conversazioni con le donne. I saggi hanno detto questo in relazione alla propria moglie, ed ancor di più vale con la moglie del tuo prossimo! Hanno detto: Colui che porta avanti eccessive conversazioni con le donne causa il male a sé stesso, abbandona lo studio della Torah e, infine, eredita il Gehinnom.

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Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:4

Yossi Ben Ish Yoezer Tzreidah e Yossi Ben Yochanan Ish Yerushalayim ricevettero (la tradizione) da lui (Antigono di Socho). Yossi ben Yoezer disse: La vostra casa sia un luogo di incontro di persone sagge. Attaccatevi la polvere dei loro piedi. E bevete avidamente le loro parole.
יהי אומר ,צרידה איש יועזר יוסי בן

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La pienezza dei gentili

Parashat: Vayehi “E visse”
Parashà: Gen. 47,28-50,26
Haftarà: 1 Re 2,1-12
Questa Parasha finale della Genesi viene chiamata "E visse" e riguarda Jacob. Tuttavia, si tratta di un resoconto di eventi che hanno portato alla sua morte.
La ragione di questo è che Jacob era considerato un uomo particolarmente giusto, e ci viene detto quanto segue: Tzaddikim (i giusti), anche nella morte si chiamano "viventi", mentre i malvagi, anche

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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:3

Antigono di Sokho ricevette (la trasmissione della Torah) da Shimon HaTzadik. Egli disse: Non siate come servi che servono il loro padrone per ricevere una ricompensa, ma come servi che servono il loro padrone non per ricevere la ricompensa e il timore del Cielo sia su di voi.

לקבמנת על הרב את המשמשין כעבדים

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Sunday 23 December 2012

Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:2

Shimon HaTzadik (Simeone il Giusto) è stato uno degli ultimi membri della Grande Assemblea. Egli ha detto: Il mondo si fonda su tre cose: la Torah, il culto e la carità.
גמילות ועל העבודה, ועל התורה, על עומד: העולם דברים

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Do we need Christmas? Origin Of Christmas

Do we not have our own holidays, our own traditions? Do we need to (if even in a secular fashion) pay tribute to a holiday that was traditionally marked by pogroms and other displays of Anti-Semitism, and just plain rooted in paganism?
Should we engage in the frenzy of excess that many engage in during December, and then suffer the feelings of guilt, not to mention the consequences of financial irresponsibilty, that come in January?
I have nothing against other people`s

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Asarah b'Tevet (עשרה בטבת)

The tenth day of the tenth month, the Fast of Tevet, is first mentioned in: Zecharyiah (Zechariah) 8:19 Thus saith HaShem of hosts; The fast of the fourth , and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.
The Tenth of Tevet (עשרה בטבת) commemorates the onset of the siege that Nebuchadrezzar of

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Thursday 20 December 2012

Learning Hebrew – The letter Tet (עִבְרִית)

The letter Tet is the ninth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. In gematria, Tet represents the number nine. When followed by an apostrophe, it means 9,000. The most common example of this usage is in the numbers of the Hebrew years (e.g., ט'תשנד in numbers would be the date 9754). As well, in gematria, the number 15 is written with Tet and Vav, (9+6) to avoid the normal construction Yod and Hey (10+5) which spells a name of G-d. Similarly, 16 is written with

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Pirque Avot. Mishnah Avot 1:1

Moshe ricevette la Torah sul Sinai, e la trasmise a Yehoshu’a, e Yehoshu’a agli Anziani e gli Anziani ai Profeti ed i Profeti la trasmisero agli uomini della Grande Assemblea. Essi dissero tre cose: Siate prudenti nei giudizi, istruite discepoli e fate una siepe alla Torah.

לאנשי מסרוה ונביאים לנביאים

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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Io sono Josef – Parashà Vaigash

Tora: Bereshit / Gen. 44,18-47,27
Haftarà: Yejezkel / Ez. 37,15-28
I nostri Maestri riflettono molto sulla parola ‘vaigash’, con la quale si apre la Parashà e dalla quale prende appunto il nome. Potremmo tradurre come “e si appressò” o “e si avvicinò” o ancora “e si appropinquò”. Il termine indica appunto tanto un avvicinamento fisico verso un oggetto o una persona di grande importanza quanto un

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Thursday 13 December 2012

Le parole del Signore - Parasha Miketz

Bereshit: (Genesi) 41 - 44:17
B’midbar: (Numeri) 7:24-35
Haftarà: Zaccaria 2:14-4:7
Un peccato non intenzionale è un peccato di cui non siamo consapevoli di averlo commesso. Non avendo conoscenza di un peccato che commettiamo, non vuol dire che HaShem non consideri il peccato come trasgressione. Il peccato è una trasgressione volontaria o involontaria sia che sia o nonun seguace di Yeshua. Pertanto, credenti e non credenti sono ugualmente

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Learning Hebrew – The letter Zayin (עִבְרִית)

In gematria, Zayin represents the number seven.
The name zayin means “crown.” There are actually crowns, called zayenin, on many of the letters of the alef-beit. (According to Jewish law, the following seven letters (known by the acronym shatnez getz) must be written with crowns: shin, ayin, tes, nun, zayin, gimmel, tzaddik). The word zayin also means “weapons.” In addition, zayin means zun, “to sustain.”
The only difference in shape between the

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Friday 7 December 2012

Learning Hebrew – The letter Chet

Many people are familiar with the shape of the letter Chet because it is the first letter of the words chai and chaim, both of which mean “life.” The letter ח Chet is pronounced with the sound coming from the throat.
As we mentioned, the letter Chet is the letter of life (chaim, from the root chayah, whose most important letter is Chet). The letter CHET is equal to the number eight and is referred to as the letter of Life. The number eight signifies the eight days

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Friday 30 November 2012

Jacob and the Struggle - Sidra Vayishlach

Weekly Sidra: Vayishlach (he sent) 
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 32:4-36:43
Haftorah: Obadiah 1:1-1:21
One of the most interesting passages in this week’s portion is by Jacob wrestling with “a man” (32:25-32) “Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn. 26 When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he wrenched Jacob's hip at its socket, so that the socket of his hip was strained as he wrestled

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Learning Hebrew – The letter Hey (עִבְרִית)

He is often used to represent the name of God, as He stands for HaShem, which means The Name and is a way of saying God without actually saying the name of God. In print, HaShem is usually written as He with a geresh: ה׳.
HEY represents the number five. It appears twice in the sacred Name of God, deeming it a symbol of Divinity.
The letter HEY is comprised of the letters dalet and Yod. The vertical and horizontal lines of the dalet represent the physical world, while the

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Sunday 25 November 2012

Jewish wars?: Against All Odds (Video)

In 1974, Rabbi Asher Wade, a US Army chaplain, befriended a Jewish American officer named Stuart. Stuart did not strike him as being a religious man and so Rabbi Wade was surprised one day to see Stuart wearing a yarmulke (skullcap). Upon questioning Stuart's reasons for donning this unconventional attire, Stuart told Rabbi Wade the fascinating story behind it.
As part of their first year studies, cadets were enrolled in a course called "History of Military Tactics & Field

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Friday 23 November 2012

All My Children – Sidra Vayetze

This week’s portion (29:32-30:24) lists the birth of all of Jacob’s sons except for Benjamin.  His birth is recorded in next week’s portion (35:16-18) followed by the complete listing (35:23-26):
Now the sons of Jacob were twelve in number. 23 The sons of Leah: Reuben — Jacob's first-born — Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon. 24 The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. 25 The sons of Bilhah, Rachel's maid: Dan and Naphtali. 26 And the sons of

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Thursday 22 November 2012

Learning Hebrew – The letter Dalet (עִבְרִית)

Dalet is the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Dalet is also the number "Four". Dalet represents lowliness and the consciousness of possessing nothing of one's own. As a door Dalet also symbolically represents the choice to open ourselves to the hope of our dreams or to remain closed off and alienated. The corner point represents the concept of bitul or spiritual self-nullification. Practice of bitul leads to humility, the doorway to G-d's house, which is attained by the

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Friday 16 November 2012

Learning Hebrew – The letter Gimel (עִבְרִית)

The third letter of the Lashon Hakodesh (Sacred alphabet) is the letter Gimel. If you observe its shape, you see that it is made by a letter Vav (ו) and a letter Yod (י). This encloses the mystery of the sound "ggh," which is guttural, meaning, in the throat. The sound of gimel is located at the level of the throat.
Gimel is generally pronounced like the “G” in “gap”, some dialects pronounce it differently in certain cases. Some Yemenite

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Thursday 15 November 2012

The Blessings of Isaac - Sidra Toledot

Weekly Sidra: Toledot (Generations)  
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 25:19-28:9
Haftorah: Malachi 1:1 - 2:7
This week we see a dilemma in the fact that Isaac loves Esau, but Rebecca loved Jacob.  Each twin wanted the blessing, but neither parent could agree as to who deserves to be blessed.
God reveals Himself to Isaac and blesses him-for Abraham his father had not formally blessed him-and God says (26:3-5) “I will be with you and bless

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Thursday 8 November 2012

Learning Hebrew – The letter Bet (עִבְרִית)

Bet, Beth, or Vet is the second letter of The Hebrew alphabet. Bet in gematria symbolizes the number 2. The letter Bet is actually the source of the Greek letter Beta, as you can see by the similarities in the two letters’ names. The English letter “B”, is therefore ultimately derived from Bet, as well.
The Hebrew letter represents two different phonemes: a "b" sound (‘b’) (bet) and a "v" sound (‘v’) (vet). The two are

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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Mission Possible - Sidra Chayei Sara

Among the many events which take place in this week’s portion is that Abraham asks his servant to get a wife for Isaac from among his kin.
The Torah says: “and I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell, 4 but will go to the land of my birth and get a wife for my son Isaac." (24: 3 & 4).
The length of chapter 24 has provoked many

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Monday 5 November 2012

Recite Before Watching A Movie

Leshem Yichud to Recite Before Watching A Movie
Please print and hang in your Shul and on your TV
I am herby willingly and readily preparing to bind myself to the Sita Acher. To give power and strengthen the klipot and the forces of evil that reside in the world, with the movie that I am about to watch. And may it be, that for the next two and a half hours I will unite myself totally and completely with the movie and bind myself to it in total concentration.
I am herby ready and

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Sunday 4 November 2012

The Gate of Trust - Shaar Habitachon

Translator's Foreword
Introduction - benefits of trust
Chapter 1 - What is trust
Chapter 2 - The criteria for trusting someone
Chapter 3 - The factors which would obligate one to trust in G-d, and the obligation to engage in a livelihood.
Chapter 4 - When trust applies and when it does not
Chapter 5 - The difference between one who trusts in G-d in earning a livelihood and one who does not.
Chapter 6 - Obligation to refute those

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Maaser (Tithing), Emuna (Faith), Bitachon (Trust)

Maaser a question of Emuna and Bitachon. Definitions: Maaser (Tithing) a question of Emuna (Faith), and Bitachon (Trust).
Maaser means “a tenth.” It’s based on the Hebrew word eser or ten. As a rule, it refers to donating ten percent of whatever to whomever. While maaser may seem like a lot of giving, it’s actually all about receiving. Just like sacrifices, which primarily benefit those who bring them, giving maaser whips you into spiritual shape by forcing you

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Friday 2 November 2012

The Binding of Isaac - Sidra Vayera

Weekly Sidra: VaYera / And he appeared
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 18:1-22:24
Haftorah: Melachim Bet / Kings II 4:1-4:23
Abraham faced many hard times; this week’s portion deals with one of the most difficult trials the binding of Isaac.
Maimonides or the Rambam in (Guide to the Perplexed 3, 24) is very concerned about divine trials especially the binding of Isaac. He is focussed on two features which highlight the purpose of this trial. First, he states

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Learning Hebrew – The letter Alef (עִבְרִית)

The letter Alef is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet and therefore it is a natural place to start if you are interested in learning the Hebrew language. The letter Alef is actually the source of the Greek letter Alpha, as you can see by the similarities in the two letters’ names, and the English letter “A”, is therefore ultimately derived from Alef, as well. The letter Alef is one of the most important and noteworthy letters in the Hebrew alphabet for a number of

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Friday 26 October 2012

The Hebrew letter VAV (עִבְרִית)

The letter VAV is the second letter in creation, it comes from the letter Yod, which is the soul of HaShem, is given to man, whom stretches it down to this earth, thus connecting Ben Adam (human beings) to the heavens. Its numerical value is six.
In the Hebrew Alef Beit the letter VAV is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called "VAV" (pronounced "VAV") and has the sound of "v" as in "vine."
The numeric value of the letter VAV is six.

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The Covenant between the Pieces - Sidra Lech Lecha

Weekly Sidra: Lech Lecha (Go for youself) 
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 12:1-17:27 
Haftorah: Yeshayhu / Isaiah 40:27-41:16
In this week we find two covenants which God makes with Abraham – the covenant between the pieces and the covenant of circumcision.  I will focus on the former covenant.
This covenant was placed after Abraham’s victory over the conquerors of Canaan when he set out to rescue Lot.  After the covenant, we find

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Friday 19 October 2012

Two words: give and take

As we begin to study Torah from Bereshit בְּרֵאשִׁית once again, it  is important to remember that it is God who reveals to man and not vice versa.  There are more religions in the world today than we can count, one for every taste and each one is vying for position trying to tell us what God was really saying to us.  No religion will satisfy God, only a relationship with him.  People have many

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Learning Hebrew - The Letter Yod (עִבְרִית)

As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so Bore Olam (the creator of the universe) utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beit, to form heaven and earth. These letters are the type of metaphorical wood, stone and nails, corner-posts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence. In a nutshell, HaShem used the Hebrew letters to create the world (the Hebrew letters are called Otiyot Hayyot / Living Letters).
The Hebrew Alphabet contained

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Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Sin of the Tower Builders

Weekly Sidra: Noach (Noah)
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 6:9-11:32
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 54:1-54:10
The portion of Noah presents two accounts of sins committed by the early generations, the generation of the flood and the generation of the Tower of Babel.  According to Rabbi Elazar “The actions done by the people during the flood are told explicitly, however, the actions of the tower builders are not told in detail.  In other words the

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Friday 12 October 2012

Let There Be Letters (???????????)

The utterances themselves are the building blocks of creation. They are not just what called creation into being; they are the being called creation. Each letter has a soul, has an force, each contain a meaning and a service. Each letter together with the next letter create a new item, eg: Kuf Hey Sin "kiseh" create a chair, Kelev means dog. ... Kalev means "like a heart."
There are an estimated 3,000 languages (not counting dialects) and more than 66,000 letters

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The Basis for Physical & Moral Evil

Weekly Sidra: Bereshit (In beginning)
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 1:1-6:8
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 42:5-42:21
One of the fundamental questions we face as the Torah begins is the question of what is good and evil.  To examine this question we will look at two figures – Adam and Cain.
We see that Adam was placed in a garden where he had access to everything.  Seeing all of this bounty he hears a voice charging him “And the Lord HaShem

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Sunday 7 October 2012

The Mantle of Leadership - Sidra Vezot Haberachah

Weekly Sidra: Vezot Haberachah (And This is the Blessing)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12
Haftorah: Yehoshua / Joshua 1:1 - 1:9
“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' attendant: "My servant Moses is dead. Prepare to cross the Jordan, together with this entire people, into the land that I am giving to the Israelites. 3 Every spot on which your foot treads I give to you, as I promised

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Be His Guest - Sidra Shemini Atzeret

Weekly Sidra: Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17
Maftir: Bamidbar / Numbers 29:35 - 30:1
Haftorah: Melachim Alef / I Kings 8:54 - 8:66
On the fifteenth day of this seventh month is the Festival of Sukkot, seven days for HaShem... on the eighth day, there shall be a holy convocation for you. (Leviticus 23:34)
On the eighth day he let the people go. They bade the king good-bye and went to their homes, joyful and glad of heart

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Thursday 4 October 2012

The Voice of the Herald (??? ????)

The seventh day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, 21st day of Tishrei, is known as Hoshana Rabbah (Aramaic: הוֹשַׁעְנָא רַבָּא, "Great Hoshana/Supplication"). This day is marked by a special synagogue service, the Hoshana Rabbah, in which seven circuits are made by the worshippers with their lulav and etrog, while the congregation recites Hoshanot. It is customary for the

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

God told us things would happen

We are now preparing ourselves for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we beg God to write our names in the Book of Life (Sefer ha Chaim).  Many people leave the Synagogue after the Yom Kippur service without being certain that their names are inscribed in the Book of Life.  Those who have understood that Messiah has already come and that he, Yeshua has led us back to God (teshuvah), we rejoice in the assurance that our names have been sealed in the Book of Life, blessed

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Thursday 27 September 2012

The Time of Our Rejoicing - Sukkot

Weekly Sidra: Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Torah Portion: Vayikra / Leviticus 22:26 - 23:44
Maftir: Bamidbar / Numbers 29:12 - 29:16
Haftorah: Zecharya / Zechariah 14:1-21
“All who survive of all those nations that came up against Jerusalem shall make a pilgrimage year by year to bow low to the King Lord of Hosts and to observe the Feast of Booths. Any of the earth's communities that do not make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to bow low to the King Lord of Hosts

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The Power of Torah - Sidra Ha'azinu

Weekly Sidra: Ha’azinu (Give ear)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52
Haftorah: Sh'muel Bet / II Samuel 22:1-51
This week in Sidra Ha’azinu we read of Moshe final instructions to Benei Israel.
“And when Moshe finished reciting all these words to all Israel, he said to them: Take to heart all the words with which I have warned you this day. Enjoin them upon your children that they may observe faithfully all the terms of this Teaching. For

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Teshuvah (Repentance) Time!

Yom Kippur, also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the people of Israel. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jewish people traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in the Hebrew Bible as the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe"). Yom Kippur is the tenth day of the month of Tishrei.

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Return in Repentance - Sidra Vayelech

Weekly Sidra: Vayelech (Standing ones)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30
Haftorah: Hosea 14:2-10; Micah 7:18-20
I realized growing up that if I did something wrong I would be punished by my dad.  I also knew that he would love me and care for me if I apologized for what I had done.

This week we read a special Haftarah portion for Shabbat Shuva.  Shabbat Shuvah or Shabbat T'shuvah ("Sabbath Return" שבת

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Thursday 13 September 2012

The Rosh Hashanah Shofar sounds

A shofar is an instrument made from the horn of a ram or other kosher animal. It was used in ancient Israel to announce the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh) and call people together. It was also blown on Rosh Hashanah, marking the beginning of the New Year, signifying both the need to wake up to the call to repentance, and in connection with the portion read on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the Binding of Isaac (Genesis, chapter 22) in which Abraham sacrifices a ram in place of his son,

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The Feasts are coming. Get ready!

The Fall Feasts of Israel are coming.  At sunset on Sept. 16th, 2012 Israel begins year 5773 on the Hebrew Calendar.
The fall is arguably the most important time of the year in Judaism. Three of Israel’s holiest days are celebrated then, and all in the space of 15 days. They are Yom Teruah, or Feast of Trumpets, followed 10 days later by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and 5 days after that by Sukkot, the weeklong Feast of Tabernacles, ending with Hashanah Rabbah (the

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Wednesday 12 September 2012

A New Beginning - Rosh Hashana

Weekly Sidra: Rosh HaShana (New Year)
Torah Portion: Bereshit / Genesis 21:1 - 21:34
Maftir: Bamidbar / Numbers 29:1-29:6
Haftorah: Sh'muel / I Samuel 1:1-2:10
The year 5773 is fast approaching.  The two Haftarot for Rosh Hashanah are a reflection of pain and joy. 
On day one we read of Hannah’s prayer to HaShem for a son.  She is so distraught that her prayer appears to Eli as if she is drunk. (I Sam 1:12) Yet in her anguish HaShem

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Still Standing - Sidra Nitzavim

Weekly Sidra: Nitzavim (Standing ones)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 61:10-63:9
As the high holidays approach so many thoughts swirl through my head.  I have to prepare food for Rosh Hashanah, there will be fasting on Yom Kippur and a Sukkah still needs to be built.  All this while having to juggle family, work and daily living activities.  It is a wonder on some days that I can even get out of

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Friday 7 September 2012

Perfectly Powerful Prayer (Hitbodedut)

Prayer, Tefilah, just talk to God. Tell the Master of the world how much you love Him, and thank Him that he is there."
In the Torah, the first act of Creation was "God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light. And God saw the Light, that it was good: and God divided the Light from the darkness." God spoke the Word to create.
Of all the Father’s earthly Creation, only humanity possesses the ability to form the Divine Alef-bet of Creation into words. Speaking the

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Monday 3 September 2012

Be a Light!! - Sidra Ki Tavo

Weekly Sidra: Ki Tavo (When you come)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 60:1-60:22
The month of Elul is a time for reflection.  As the last month of the year we look back on our lives.  We seek to repent of any actions we have done and continue to draw near to HaShem by reading His word and performing mitzvot.
In this week’s Haftarah portion we are reminded of this wonderful truth:

And nations shall

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Friday 31 August 2012

Love Letters – Sidra Ki Teitzei

Weekly Sidra: Ki Teitzei (When you Go)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19 
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 54:1–54:10

I recall when my wife and I first met I couldn’t wait to see her and wanted to spend every waking minute talking with her.  We were in love. 
I am happy to say that 22 years later we are still going.  We have had our share of difficulties and trials, but with Hashem’s help we have seen it

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Thursday 30 August 2012

Under the Olive Tree and not the Christmas tree

The Bible is filled with imagery of the olive tree. From the olive branch in the mouth of the dove in Noah's time to the Emissary Shaul; the use of the olive tree as a symbol of Israel and the engrafted non-Jews everywhere you look and you will encounter the olive tree; its branches, leaves, sprigs, oil, fruit, roots and pits; all usefulness and symbolic.
There are two varieties of olive tree, the cultivated variety Olea europaea sativa and the wild variety Olea europaea oleaster.

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Tuesday 28 August 2012

E-Torah - Following the ways of God

Torah 24/7, the weekly Torah portion all at the convenience of your computer. Please keep our website marked so that you can get more articles concerning our hope, Melech HaMashiach.
Torah is the Hebrew word meaning teaching. It's root means to throw or shoot an arrow.? HaShem uses this word Torah in scripture to signify His Teaching to His people. The Teaching which God gave Moses (Moshe) is called the Torah of Moses, but this does not mean that Moses authored it,

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Friday 24 August 2012

What is Life’s Purpose?

We all wish to live a meaningful life. But why are we living? What are we doing in this world? What are we straving for? What are our goals after we die?

To find the answers to these central questions we must look in the very book of life itself – the Torah, which is called Torat Chaim (a living Torah). The word “Torah” means “instruction” or“guidance”, for the Torah is our guide in life (Torah strictly speaking is the first five Books of the

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Thursday 23 August 2012

Hashem is King – HaShem Melech

Weekly Sidra: Shofetim (Judges)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 51:12-52:12
How welcome on the mountain Are the footsteps of the herald Announcing happiness, Heralding good fortune, Announcing victory, Telling Zion, "Your God is King!" (Isaiah 52:7)
This week’s Torah portion speaks about what kind of ruler Israel should have.
“14 If, after you have entered the land that the Lord your God has assigned

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Friday 17 August 2012

Nothing but Bore Olam!

Anyone can experience the Infinite Light, at least for a limited time. Just close your eyes and meditate on the fact that nothing exists but Bore Olam (the Creator of the universe), until you forget yourself completely. Then automatically all your sufferings will cease.
The more one is aware of serving God and becoming a conduit for God's will, the greater the rectified ego can lead others: "
"He used to say: Do His will as if it was your will that He may do your will as if it

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Monday 13 August 2012

Recognizing the Unity of HaShem

Divine simplicity - an absolute unity
Judaism is based on a strict unitary monotheism and a belief in one indivisible God. The Shema Yisrael, one of the most important Jewish prayers, encapsulates the monotheistic nature of Judaism.
We read in the Jewish Scriptures: Shema Yisrael, HaShem Elokeinu, HaShem Echad Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God, the Lord is One …Deuteronomy 6:4
Judaism emphatically rejects any concept of plurality with respect to God, explicitly rejecting

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A Day of Rest - Sidra Reeh

Weekly Sidra: Reeh (See)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Maftir: Bamidbar / Numbers 28:9-15
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 66:1-66:24 (Shabbat Rosh Chodesh)
“For as the new heaven and the new earth Which I will make Shall endure by My will— declares HaShem — So shall your seed and your name endure. And new moon after new moon, And Sabbath after Sabbath, All flesh shall come to worship Me— said HaShem” — (Isaiah

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Friday 10 August 2012

¿Porque y para que aflige el Eterno?

Tora: Devarim / Deuteronomio 7:12-11:25
Haftara: Yeshayahu / Isaias 49:14-51:3
Y te acordarás de todo el camino que el Eterno te hizo seguir en estos cuarenta años en el desierto para ponerte a prueba, para saber qué había en tu corazón, si cumplirías sus mandatos o los desobedecerías. Y te afligió... Devarim 8:2-3
¿El Eterno, aflige a sus hijos? Si
¿Por qué nos aflige? -Israel fué afligido

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Shabbat Rest - Keeping you Holy

The command to observe the Shabbat is almost always prefaced by the statement, “you shall do your work for six days etc.” Why the need for this prologue related to the regular week? Why doesn’t the Torah just tell us about the actual day of Shabbat?
One possible reason is that the Torah is making clear that it is an obligation to work. Whatever form that work takes it is an obligation for every person to use their talents, abilities, and creativity to help

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The inner meaning of Tefillin?

“You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 6:8) This statute has been traditionally interpreted as the law of tefillin (phylacteries). Tefillin consist of small, hollow, black leather boxes that contain several parchments of relevant Scripture verses: Exodus 13:1–10; 13:11–16; Deuteronomy 6:4–9; 11:13–21. The small black boxes are bound on the arm and forehead by means of

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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Return Home - Parashat Ekev

The children you thought you had lost Shall yet say in your hearing, "The place is too crowded for me; Make room for me to settle." (Isaiah 49:20)
The majority of us dream of owning our own place. Imagine that you have a house and one day you leave for work. You return only to find that the locks have been changed and some squatters have taken over your property.
This appears to be the problem for Jews in Israel today. We were promised a Jewish homeland according to the

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Sunday 5 August 2012

I Am A Zionist

At a time where Zionism is defamed and slandered, this article sets out the truth.
I am a Zionist.
I believe that the Jewish people established itself in the Land of Israel, albeit somewhat late. Had it listened to the alarm clock, there would have been no Holocaust, and my dead grandfather – the one I was named after – would have been able to dance a last waltz with grandma on the shores of the Yarkon River.
I am a Zionist.
Hebrew is the language I use to thank

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Japanese View of the Palestinians

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel. For our Arab unity.

In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of Palestinian people, since Arab national interest demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism".

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Friday 3 August 2012

Las Raíces hebreas de nuestra fé

El Shaliaj (Emisario) Shimon Kefa (Pedro) y el Shaliaj Shaul (Pablo) son reconocidos como los hombres que introdujeron el cambio entre los seguidoress de Yeshua. Lo interesante es que ambos declararon por separado que Yeshua el Mesias no vino a establecer una nueva religion sino mas bien a cumplir todo lo que estaba escrito en los escritos profeticos de las Escrituras Hebreas o Tanach (ver Ma’asei Talmidim / Hechos 3:12-26 y 24:14).
Maran Yeshua mismo verifico que El no habia venido

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¿Quienes son los Judios Marranos? (Videos)

El término marrano hace referencia a los judíos convertidos externamente al cristianismo Catolico en las coronas de Castilla y Portugal y que siguieron observando clandestinamente sus costumbres y su religión original. ambién se les ha denominado judaizantes o cripto-judíos, por su parte, los judíos sefardíes prefieren utilizar la palabra hebrea Anusim, (אֲנוּסִים, 'forzados'), o bien

¿Quienes son los Judios Marranos? (Videos)

The Mitzvah of Mezuzah - מזוזה

Devarim 6:9 “And thou shalt write them upon the door-posts (mezuzah) of thy house, and upon thy gates.” (Parasha Vaetchanan)
Jews have been putting mezuzot on the doors of their houses since biblical days. A mezuzah (Hebrew: מְזוּזָה‎ "doorpost"; plural: מְזוּזוֹת mezuzot) is a piece of parchment (often contained in a decorative case) inscribed with specified

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Pleading for Comfort - Parashat Vaetchanan

Weekly Sidra: Va’etchanan (and I pleaded)
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 40:1-40:26
1 Comfort, oh comfort My people, Says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, And declare to her that her term of service is over, that her iniquity is expiated; For she has received at the hand of HaShem, double for all her sins. (Isaiah 40:1-2)
This week we read a special haphtarah for the Sabbath immediately following Tisha

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Saturday 28 July 2012

Tisha B´Av (noveno día Tisha)

Llamado al ayuno, domingo 9 Av (Julio 29, 2012) - Este proximo Domingo = Yom rishon es dia de ayuno para todo aquel que se siente parte del pueblo judio. Todo aquel que ha adoptado al D's de Israel como su D's tambien. Es un ayuno a nivel nacional en Israel.

En Tisha B´Av (9 del mes Av), se hace duelo y ayuno ya que para esta fecha se recuerda algo tan importante como lo fué la pérdida del Primero y Segundo Templo y acontecimientos como:
Durante el tiempo de

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Tisha B´Av (noveno día Tisha)

Llamado al ayuno, domingo 9 Av (Julio 29, 2012) - Este proximo Domingo = Yom rishon es dia de ayuno para todo aquel que se siente parte del pueblo judio. Todo aquel que ha adoptado al D's de Israel como su D's tambien. Es un ayuno a nivel nacional en Israel.

En Tisha B´Av (9 del mes Av), se hace duelo y ayuno ya que para esta fecha se recuerda algo tan importante como lo fué la pérdida del Primero y Segundo Templo y acontecimientos como:
Durante el tiempo de

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Friday 27 July 2012

Hashgacha p'ratit (Divine Providence)

Money says: “earn me forget everything” Time says: “follow me forget everything “Future says: “struggle for me forget everything” HaShem simply says “Remember Me and I will give you everything”
One of the core methods through which HaShem's hashgacha p'ratit (Divine Providence) is manifested is through His granting parnassa (earning potential) - the daily sustenance of His creatures, especially mankind. Countless passages in Tanach

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Enfrenta al Gigante - Parasha Devarim

Tora: Devarim / Deuteronomio 1:1-3:22
Haftara: Yeshayahu / Isaias 1:1-27
Besora: Timoteos Alef / 1 Timoteo 3:1-7
En la porcion a estudiar este shabat Moshe empieza con un recuento de la travesia y principales acontecimientos de Israel en el desierto. D-s en este principio del libro de "devarim" (Deuteronomio) insta al pueblo a ser valiente y esforzado para dar el siguiente paso que es la toma y posesion de Canaan, la Tierra Prometida a Abraham y sus

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Spiritual Crimes – Sidra Devarim

Weekly Sidra: Devarim
Torah Portion: Devarim / Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
Haftorah: Yeshayahu / Isaiah 1:1-1:27
I was struck this week by all of the violence in our city.  Every day this past week there was reports of shootings across the city of Toronto.  It was capped by the shooting of innocent movie patrons in Colorado.  I thought to myself what is going on in our world?
Hashem, through the prophet Isaiah, states that He will not hear Israel’s

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Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Messianic Hope

One of the major tenets in the thirteen articles of Jewish faith that Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon (Maimonides) wrote is the belief and affirmation that the Mashiach (Messiah) would come. The Mashiach is always been the hope of Israel for generations past to the present, for as we know that even Father Avraham saw His coming and rejoice in that fact, as it is written: Yochanan / John 8:56 … father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw , and was glad.
The Hebrew Scriptures provide a

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Monday 23 July 2012

Messianic Jewish Emuna: Divine Fences

(Pirkei Avot 3 Mishnah 17) “Rabbi Akiva said: Mockery and levity accustom a man to immorality. The transmitted Oral Torah is a protective fence around the Torah; tithes are a protective fence around wealth; vows are a protective fence around abstinence; and a protective fence for wisdom is silence.”
All fences, whether physical or spiritual, all serve a purpose which is to guard and protect something precious contained inside. Fences are built around most homes and

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Messianic Jewish Emuna: Rabbinic Law

Sitting in the Seat of Moses.
(Mattityahu/Matthew 23:1-3) “Then Yeshua addressed the crowds and His talmidim: “The Torah-teachers and the P’rushim,” He said, “sit on the seat of Moshe. So whatever they tell you, take care to do it. But don’t do what they do, because they talk but do not act!”
Within the Messianic Jewish movement, there is a debate over the observance of Rabbinic Law; over whether or not they should be observed or even

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Friday 20 July 2012

Aguijones en sus ojos - Parasha Matot / Masei

Tora: Bamidbar / Numeros 33:1-36:13
Haftara: Yermiyahu / Jeremias 2:4-28; 3:4
Besora: Ya’acov / Jacob = Santiago 4:1-12 
En la parasha o porcion a estudiar durante esta semana vemos que dentro de las instrucciones que D-s dio al pueblo al hacer posesion de la nueva tierra que D-s estaba dando en herencia a los hijos de Israel fue: Num 33: 51Habla á los hijos de Israel, y diles: Cuando hubiereis pasado el Jordán á la tierra de

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Thursday 19 July 2012

Bitul - "Self-nullification"

"Fortunate is the person whom You, HaShem, afflict; You teach him from Your Torah (laws, instructions)." (Ps. 94:12)
What a peculiar statement! Why did King David think that afflictions are such wonderful, providential experiences? And what exactly is this connection between suffering and Torah study?
Our Jewish sages discussed the topic of suffering in the world at length. While they tried to understand this problematic phenomenon, they were equally concerned with the

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Broken Cisterns - Sidra Matot / Masei

Weekly Sidra: Matot-Masei
Torah Portion: Bamidbar/ Numbers 30:2-36:13
Haftorah: Yermiyahu / Jeremiah: 2:4-28; 4:1-4:2
“For My people have done a twofold wrong: They have forsaken Me, the Fount of living waters, And hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, Which cannot even hold water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)
The human body is made up of over 70 per cent of water.  We can go without food for a long time, but we could not survive too long without

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Friday 13 July 2012

El Liderazgo Interior - Parashá Pinjás (Videos)

El Talmud, Zevajim 19, dice que Pinjás no era kohén antes de ejecutar a Zimrí. Sólo Aharón y su familia y su futura descendencia habían sido designados como sacerdotes (kohanim). Pero como Pinjás ya había nacido cuando Aharón y sus hijos fueron instalados como sacerdotes, él no tenía el derecho de ser kohén, cf. Éxodo 28:1. Sin embargo él pertenecía a la familia del sumo

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Torah Scroll Facts - Making A Torah (Videos)

The Torah Scroll contains the five books of Rabbeinu Moshe. It is hand written on parchment (Animal Skin or Papyrus leaf paper). It is the holiest of all of God's words in Tanach, A Sefer Torah is kept in the Beit knesset / Shul / Synagogue, and portions are read from it publicly on Shabbat, Yom Tov (Holidays), Azom (Fast Days), Mondays and Thursdays during Tefillah and in the presence of a Minyan (quorum of ten Jewish males starting at the age of thirteen and up). The Torah is divided into

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Baseless Love – Sidra Pinchas

Weekly Sidra: Phinehas (Pinchas)
Torah Portion: Bamidbar/ Numbers 25:10-30:1
Haftorah: Yermiyahu / Jeremiah: 1:1-2:3
They shall come, and shall each set up a throne Before the gates of Jerusalem, Against its walls roundabout, And against all the towns of Judah. (Jeremiah 1:14)
This week we read a special Haftarah portion which is part of the three weeks of mourning the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
This period begins on the 17th of Tammuz and

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Fringes / Tzitzit NOT belt loops

There is a biblical command to attach fringes to the corners of four-cornered garments. The garments which sport these fringes, known as tallit and Tzitzit serves as constant reminders of our obligations to G-d and our fellows. The following articles will give you the basics of this unique mitzvah.
Bamidbar / Numbers 15:38 "Speak to the people of Israel, instructing them to make, through all their generations, tzitziyot on the corners of their garments, and to put with the

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Wednesday 11 July 2012

Marrano Jews / crypto-Jews / Anusim (Videos)

According to history, the Sephardic Jews were forced to leave Spain and Portugal during the Spanish Inquisition.
Anusim, plural for anus, means "forced ones" in Hebrew. In Jewish Law, this is the legal term applied to a Jew who was forced to abandon Judaism against his or her will, but does whatever is in his or her power to continue practicing Judaism under the forced condition. It derives from the Talmudic term abera be' ones , meaning "a forced transgression." The

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Crypto Jews (hidden Jews)

Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; people who practice crypto-Judaism are referred to as "crypto-Jews". The term crypto-Jew is also used to describe descendants of Jews who still (generally secretly) maintain some Jewish traditions, often while adhering to other faiths, most commonly Catholicism.
The many Marranos (in the Balearic Islands, Chuetas), who publicly professed Roman Catholicism but

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¿Cuál es el Motivo de la Barba?

La barba es mucho más que una identificación como judío. Según la Cábala la barba no debe ser ni siquiera recortada, se debe permitir que crezca libremente. ¿Por qué?
Cabalísticamente, nuestro aspecto físico externo es un reflejo de nuestra realidad espiritual. Las manos representan nuestra capacidad de dar y de recibir. Los pies simbolizan la fuerza de progresar. ¿Qué la representa barba?
Una de las

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The History of the Star of David

The Magen David Usually, when we think about a "Magen David," we imagine a six- pointed star, the "Star of David". In fact, the Talmudic reference has nothing to do with a star at all. Pesachim 117b; Rabbah b. Shila said: in Prayer is who causes the horn of Salvation to spring forth,' while that of the haftarah is the shield of David.' And I will make you a great man, like the name of the great ones . (II Samuel 7:9) R, Joseph taught: that alludes to the fact that we

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Friday 6 July 2012

Spiritual disciplines: Tefilah

Spiritual disciplines are simply those aspects of being Yeshua's disciple that require some intentionality.  They are "disciplines" because they require self-discipline to do regularly and well.
Disciples study their master's lifestyle, worldview, use of scripture, ahavah Yisrael (love for Israel, the people and the land), and methods of worshipping.  Through these methods we learn to pray, to fast, to study, to love a life of simplicity, solitude, submission,

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The Balak Principle - Sidra Balak

"My people, Remember what Balak king of Moab Plotted against you, and how Balaam son of Beor Responded to him. From Shittim to Gilgal--And you will recognize the gracious acts of Adonai." (Micah 6:5)
This week we recall the story of Balak, he was the King of Moab and he wanted to destroy Israel. He hires Balaam to be his hit man and wants him to place a curse on Israel. “Balak son of Zippor, who was king of Moab at that time, 5 sent messengers to Balaam son of Beor in

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Thursday 28 June 2012

Come Back - Sidra Chukat

Jephthah the Gileadite was an able warrior, who was the son of a prostitute. Jephthah's father was Gilead; 2 but Gilead also had sons by his wife, and when the wife's sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out. They said to him, "You shall have no share in our father's property, for you are the son of an outsider." 3 So Jephthah fled from his brothers and settled in the Tob country. Men of low character gathered about Jephthah and went out raiding with him. (Shofetim

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Miriam’s Well | Makor Miriam

And Miriam died there... And there was no water for the congregation (20:1-2)
The history of Miriam's Well is not written explicitly in the Torah text but only allusively. The allusions are brought out in the Aramaic Targum (Aramaic paraphrase of the Hebrew Bible).
Miriam is associated with (according to Midrashic lore) the rolling well that accompanied the Jewish people on their wanderings and provided fresh water in the desert, not only for the people, but also for their cattle and

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Wednesday 27 June 2012

Pride is a Sin and an Abomination

Pride is a Sin and an Abomination
These first two verses perfectly set the stage for all of us as far as what God Almighty really thinks of this negative spirit and quality that could infect anyone of us at anytime. God is specifically telling us in these two verses that anyone who has become too proud in his own heart is committing a sin and an abomination in His sight!
Burn these two verses into your memory banks, and make sure you never, ever let this deadly spirit get a

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Pride is a Sin and an Abomination

Pride is a Sin and an Abomination
These first two verses perfectly set the stage for all of us as far as what God Almighty really thinks of this negative spirit and quality that could infect anyone of us at anytime. God is specifically telling us in these two verses that anyone who has become too proud in his own heart is committing a sin and an abomination in His sight!
Burn these two verses into your memory banks, and make sure you never, ever let this deadly spirit get a

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Pride is a Sin and an Abomination

Pride is a Sin and an Abomination
These first two verses perfectly set the stage for all of us as far as what God Almighty really thinks of this negative spirit and quality that could infect anyone of us at anytime. God is specifically telling us in these two verses that anyone who has become too proud in his own heart is committing a sin and an abomination in His sight!
Burn these two verses into your memory banks, and make sure you never, ever let this deadly spirit get a

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Sunday 24 June 2012

What is Hitbodedut? Praying in Seclusion

When you pray, do not use a lot of meaningless words, as the pagans do, who think that their gods will hear them because their prayers are long. Do not be like them. Your Father already knows what you need before you ask him. Mattityahu / Matthew 6:5-15 (TEV)
God created you and so he wants you to be the real you. By being authentic when you speak to God, you worship him as you Creator.
For years I copied the prayers of other people. I noticed they used certain words and even a

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El secreto de la oracion - Tefila Hitbodedut

Hitbodedut (en hebreo: התבודדות) se refiere a una forma no estructurada, espontánea e individualizada de la oración y la meditación enseñada por Rabi Najman de Breslev. El objetivo de Hitbodedut es establecer una estrecha relación personal con El Eterno y una comprensión más clara de sus motivos y objetivos personales. 
Reb Najman de Breslev, un bisnieto del Baal Shem Tov y

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Friday 22 June 2012

El Mesías que sufre?

En el pensamiento rabínico estaba claro el concepto de un Mesías sufriente y humilde de acuerdo a las Sagradas Escrituras, lo cual llevó al planteamiento de un segundo Mesías mejor conocida como "Teoría de los dos Mesías" lo cual nos remonta a los tiempos de Daniel, Capítulo 9 donde se habla de que se "quitará la vida al Mesías". Sobre este tema el Dr. Rafael Patai, un famoso antropólogo y

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Jamaican and Kosher

A friend of mine asked me to do an article on Jamaican Kosher foods, while I found this to be odd (I mean we have the TORAH), I decided to do one none the less. Jamaica is a land of mixed multitudes while we may all look black, we have a mixture of; British, Scottish, Irish, Jewish, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian, and even Middle Eastern blood. Of course there was that large population boom of Germans During the 1900's but I don't think they contributed much to cuisine. I said

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Thursday 21 June 2012

Jewish Wars - Miracles From HaShem (Video)

In the spring of 1967, following close to a decade of relative calm, Israel found itself poised for war against four of its Arab neighbors.
According to all the military analysts and pundits, it was to be a lopsided match. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) consisted of 275,000 troops, compared to the 456,000 soldiers of the combined Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian armies. The united Arab forces also had a decided edge with regards to weaponry and military equipment: they

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Sacerdote, Levita, o del Pueblo?

Tora: Bamidbar / Números 16:1 - 18:32
Neviim: Shemuel Alef / 1 Samuel 11:14 - 12:22
En nuestra parashat a estudiar para esta semana hay dos puntos los cuales quiero destacar. La ambición y el peso del liderazgo.
Si vamos a Devarim = Num 16: 1 Pero Coraj, de la tribu de Levi; Datán y Aviram; y On de la tribu de Rubén 2 y se levantaron contra Moshé, acompañados por doscientos cincuenta hombres de los hijos de Israel, toda gente de

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A Sefer Torah (The Torah Scroll)

Sefer Torah Information

A Sefer Torah - a Torah Scroll, is the Bible, hand written on parchment . And it's the most holiest of all books. Portions of the Torah are read from it weekly in the Shuls . A Torah scroll containing the entire text of the Five Books of Moses, hand-written in the original Hebrew, in the Ashuri / Assyrian Jewish Script.
Kept in the Ark of each synagogue, the Sefer Torah is routinely read aloud in all synagogues, and in its presence we offer prayers and

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Tuesday 19 June 2012

Nothing for Good - Sidra Korach

Weekly Sidra: Korach
Torah Portion: Bamidbar / Numbers 16:1-18:32
Haftorah: Sh'muel Alef / I Samuel 11:14-12:22
“Then Samuel said to all Israel, "I have yielded to you in all you have asked of me and have set a king over you. 2 Henceforth the king will be your leader.  "As for me, I have grown old and gray — but my sons are still with you — and I have been your leader from my youth to this day. 3 Here I am! Testify against me, in

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Friday 15 June 2012

Ser Optimista o Pesimista

Tora: Bamidbar / Numeros 13:1 - 15:41
Neviim: Yehoshua / Josue 2:14 – 4:7
Besora: Ivrim / Hebreos 11:1 -19
Los temas encontramos en esta parasha son: misión de los doce espías 13:1-33 Israel se revela contra D-s 14:1-19 el eterno castiga a Israel 14:20-35 muerte de los espías malos 14:36-38 derrota contra Israel en horma 14:39-45 leyes sobre las ofrendas 15:1-31 muerte de uno que violó shabat 15:32-36 mandamiento de poner tzitzit o

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Levitical Services in the Mikdash

Bamidbar 18:23 The Levi himself shall perform the service of the Tent of Meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity, an eternal decree for your generations; and among the Benei Yisrael they shall have no inheritance.
The Leviim are commanded that they alone are to perform certain services in the Temple, such as the closing of the gates, and the chanting during the offering of the sacrifices , for example: the daily Burnt-offerings, the various Additional Offerings, and the

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Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Eternal Camp: Messianic Jewish Emuna

(Bamidbar/Numbers 2:1) “HASHEM spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, The Children of Israel shall encamp, each man by his banner according to the insignia of their fathers’ household, at a distance surrounding the Tent of Meeting shall they encamp.
Here in this portion of Torah, we see a command to the Children of Israel which today for us has no relevance to us in terms of Halacha based on basic surface level understanding. However if we take a deeper look into the verse, we

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God's Jewish Warriors (Videos)

The first part of the series is one of the most grossly distorted programs to appear on mainstream American television in many years (Aired in 2008).
CNN's "God's Warriors," hosted by Christiane Amanpour, is a three-part series intended to examine the growing role of religious fundamentalism in today's world. Unfortunately, the first program in the series, "God's Jewish Warriors," is one of the most grossly distorted programs to appear on mainstream American

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The Falestinian Conflict

As a bible believer I believe that the Palestinian (Arabs from the Arabian peninsula) should have their own state. They should have their own democratic government running their own issue (Hamas not Fatah, who was not democratic elected).

They should have their own territory, which they would be able to rule as they wish, and they should be able to vote for whom they want to with out any interference from any country (USA or any other), and the government voted democratically

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Monday 11 June 2012

A Good or Bad Report - Sidra Sh'lach Lecha

Weekly Sidra: Shelach Lecha (send for yourself)
Torah Portion: Bamidbar / Numbers 13:1-15:41
Haftorah: Yehoshua / Joshua 2:1-2:24
“Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim, saying, "Go, reconnoiter the region of Jericho." So they set out, and they came to the house of a harlot named Rahab and lodged there. 2 The king of Jericho was told, "Some men have come here tonight, Israelites, to spy out the country." 3 The king of

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Thursday 7 June 2012

Kavanah – Directing the Heart

The mindset for prayer is referred to as kavanah, which is generally translated as "concentration" or "intent." The minimum level of kavanah is an awareness that one is speaking to G-d and an intention to fulfill the obligation to pray. If you do not have this minimal level of kavanah, then you are not praying; you are merely reading or just making noise. You must know and understand what you are praying about and that you think about the meaning of the prayer.

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Mashiach: the Embodiment of Israel

Jewish tradition teaches that Mashiach must be the quintessential Jew. An embodiment of the experience, sufferings, and joys of the entire Jewish people throughout the ages. A number of scholars have recognized that within Yeshua, as the Mashiach, is the embodiment of all Israel. In a sense, Mashiach must be view as a "One Man Israel," as Mashiach is the perfect embodiment of Israel, and as such, Mashiach's life must parallel Israel's experience.
There are also ethical matters

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Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Menorah and the Messiah

14 Shout for joy, Fair Zion! For lo, I come; and I will dwell in your midst--declares the Lord. 15 In that day many nations will attach themselves to the Lord and become His people and He will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that I was sent to you by the Lord of Hosts. 16 The Lord will take Judah to Himself as His portion in the Holy Land, and He will choose Jerusalem once more. (Zechariyah 2:14-16)
This week I was struck by the picture of the Menorah and its relationship to the

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Sunday 3 June 2012

This is King Messiah

A Great Holy King has arisen from the House of David. Possessing "חכמה בינה ודעה" chochma, binah ve’da'at (wisdom, knowledge and undestanding). Void of any evil. Possessing Torah and observant of the Mitzvot as they have been prescribed by the Torah of God. As King Messiah said: הבשורה על פי מתתיהו

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Friday 1 June 2012

Hitbodedut – Secluded Prayer

Prayer is also referred to as, service of the heart, it takes time and commitment each day to stop, meditate and offer honest prayers from the heart to the Almighty Father.  The main "weapon" of Mashiach–and of every believer is prayer. Every tefilah (prayer), every bracha (blessing), every whispered thanks, every Psalm and every hitbodedut (private, secluded prayer in one's own words) brings the geulah (Redemption) that much nearer.   

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El Poder de una Bendición

¿Qué es bendecir? Creo que una forma sencilla de decirlo sería: ''anhelar algo bueno para alguien en especial, es pedir ese algo al Todopoderoso para que se lo otorgue a esa persona''.
El más claro ejemplo de bendición en la Torah, lo podemos ver en nuestra parashat. Si vamos a BaMidvar = Num 6:23-26 Vemos que HaShem ha ordenado bendecir a su pueblo con esta bendición específica, la cual se hace hoy sobre el pueblo de Israel por los cohanim

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Studying and Teaching Torah to our kids

Devarim 6:7 You shall teach them thoroughly to your children and you shall speak of them while you sit in your home, while you walk on the way, when you retire and when you arise.
It is a religious duty that the words of the Torah should be sharp and clear in a person's mouth that he should not stammer over them.
To study and teach the Torah is called Talmud Torah.  With Judaism it is the custom that fathers would teach their children, and those children without fathers

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Wednesday 30 May 2012

A Glimpse of the Messiah – Are there Prophets Today?

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet from among your own people, like myself; him you shall heed. 16 This is just what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb, on the day of the Assembly, saying, "Let me not hear the voice of the Lord my God any longer or see this wondrous fire any more, lest I die." 17 Whereupon the Lord said to me, "They have done well in speaking thus. 18 I will raise up a prophet for them from among their own people, like yourself: I

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Mashiaj Ben Yosef, Mashiaj Ben David

El Mesías Hijo de Yosef (Mashiaj que sufre) / El Mesías Hijo de David (Mashiaj rey) -Mashiaj Ben Yosef / Mashiaj Ben David.
Uno de los principios fundamentales en los trece artículos de la fe judía que escribió el rabino Moisés Ben Maimón (Maimónides) es la creencia y la afirmación de que el Mashíaj (Mesías) vendrá. El Mashíaj siempre ha sido la esperanza de Israel para las generaciones

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Friday 25 May 2012

Te he llamado por tu nombre

Tora: BaMidbar / Números 1:1-4:20
Neviim: Sh'muel Alef / 1° de Samuel 20:18-42
Besora: Romim / Romanos 9:22-33
En la porcion de estudio de esta semana basicamente encontramos la forma y el resultado de la orden de D's de censar a su pueblo Israel; esto se lo ordena a Moshe quien a su vez organiza y ordena a los jefes de cada una de las 12 tribus de Israel; aunque este censo se hizo de forma diferente para la Tribu de Levi quien se encarga de servir a D's en

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We will Survive - Sidra Bamidbar

Weekly Sidra: Bamidbar (Numbers)
Torah Portion: Bamidbar / Numbers 1:1-4:20
Haftorah: Hoshea / Hosea 2:1-2:22
“The number of the people of Israel shall be like that of the sands of the sea, which cannot be measured or counted; and instead of being told, "You are Not-My-People," they shall be called Children-of-the-Living-God.” (Hosea 2:1)
One thing that can be said about the Jewish people is that they have a strong resiliency for

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Thursday 24 May 2012

Shavuot / Zeman matan Torateinu

On the holiday of Shavuot, the 6th day of the month of Sivan, 3313 years ago, the entire Jewish nation received the Torah on Mount Sinai and heard the Ten commandments from God Himself. The Torah primarily presents the feast of Shavuot as a harvest festival, which represented the end of the barley harvest and the first fruits of the wheat harvest (Shemot / Ex 34:22; Bamidbar / Num 28:26; Devarim / Deut 16:10). Later, Jewish tradition links Shavuot with the day Israel received the Torah

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Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Beard in the Bible

A Bewhiskered Believer Bewildered By Beard-Hating Brethren
Several years ago I was interviewed by a pastor for a job as principal of a Christian school. At the end of the interview, the pastor offered me the position, and said he really hoped I would accept it. 
"There's just one more thing," he said rather hesitantly. "If you do decide to take the job, I'll have to ask you to shave your beard." 
The pastor was quick to assure me that he himself had nothing

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Saturday 19 May 2012

Yom Yerushalayim - Dia de Jerusalén

Yom Yerushalayim - Dia de Jerusalén;
Estamos comenzando el estudio de un nuevo Sefer (libro), llamado en castellano Números, pero en hebreo se le llama Bamidbar, que significa "En el desierto". Este libro recuenta los viajes de Israel, las alegrías, y las tristezas. Este libro se conoce en literatura Rabínica como Jumash HaPekudim, que probablemente se refiere al conteo (Pakad es la raíz de la palabra Pekudim que significa contar o censos).

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What does YAHshua actually mean in English? MP3

Earlier today I was browsing Facebook pages that belong to people who are on my friends list when I came across a sister who uses the Hebrew word "YAHshua" to describe our Master. This is the message I sent her. I would love your comments below - especially if you disagree with the conclusions of this note. However, I ask that you respect this conversation and take the time to review my references.
My dear sister,
I noticed your profile just now and it brought a

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Friday 18 May 2012

Por que a mi me pasa esto?

Tora: Vayikra/Levítico 26:3 - 27:34
Neviim: Yirmeyahu/Jeremias 16:19 - 17:14
Besora: Mattityahu / Mateo 22:1 - 14
Para el estudio de esta semana hay temas a tratar como lo son: 1- Las Bendiciones de la obediencia; 2- las consecuencias de la desobediencia, y 3- cuando se consagran cosas a D’s.
Muchas veces nos preguntamos el por qué de nuestra situación actual... ¿por qué sufro de esta enfermedad? ¿Por qué no tengo trabajo?

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Armilus / Anti-Messiah?

Armilus / Anti-Messiah? - ארמלגוס "Rab said: All the predestined dates have passed (according to Daniel 9:26 Mashiach was to come before the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash / Temple), and the matter depends only on repentance and good deeds. But Sh’muel maintained: it is sufficient for a mourner to keep his mourning. This matter is disputed by Tannaim: R. Eliezer said: if Yisrael repent, they will be redeemed; if not, they

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Centrality of Mashiach in Judaism

If one is in search of a single codification that represents the essential core of Jewish belief, no source is better than the Rambam's thirteen principles of faith (apart from the Hebrew Bible of course). The Rambam himself refers to these thirteen principles as "the fundamental truths of our religion and its very foundations" (Pirush on Mishnayos-Sanhedrin Chap.10).
We quote here the final of these two foundational principles:
Principle #12 " The days of Mashiach

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Torah Jews for Mashiach - Messianic Jews

Many people asks us or assume who we are through the historical understanding of historical Christianity. Nothing can be further from the truth. Here is a small sample of what we believe.
The unity of God. We do not believe in the trinity. God is one. Maran Yeshua HaMashiach said: "One of the Soferim came up, hearing them reasoning together. Thinking that Yeshua had given a good answer to the Tzaddikim, he asked Him, "Which commandment is primary over all of them? "This is

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Did Martin Luther hate Jews?

Question: Was Martin Luther anti-Semitic?
Martin Luther, a former German Catholic monk and the father of Protestant Reformation, had made an indelible impression on Christianity and the world of faith. His revolutionary views on papal authority, scripture, grace and salvation were a stark departure from the Catholicism of his day. His ideas have influenced millions of Protestants of all denominations for generations and continue to do so. For all the good he’s

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Practicing Tzedakah / Charity

Giving may seem like a sacrifice at times  (especially when money is tight) or we often wonder if the person we give to is worthy or really needs our help, but in reality being charitable to others does more for us, for our relationships with G-d and with our fellow human beings than it does to the people who we give to. Jewish people are renowned for being generous when it comes to charitable giving.
The Hebrew word for charity is "tzedaka". The word Tzedakah means righteousness,

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Thursday 17 May 2012

Mountain of Choices - Sidra Behar-Bechukotai

Weekly Sidra: Behar-Bechukotai
Torah Portion: Leviticus / Vayikra / 25:1 - 27:34
Haftorah: Yermiyahu /
Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14
Thus said the Lord: Cursed is he who trusts in man, Who makes mere flesh his strength, And turns his thoughts from the Lord. He shall be like a bush in the desert, Which does not sense the coming of good: It is set in the scorched places of the wilderness, In a barren land without inhabitant. Blessed is he who trusts in the

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Monday 14 May 2012

Hermeneutics (funny)

Suppose you're traveling to work and you see a stop sign. What do you do? That depends on how you apply exegesis to the sign.
1.A postmodernist deconstructs the sign (i.e., he knocks it over with his car), thus ending forever the tyranny of the north-south traffic over the east-west traffic.
2.Similarly, a Marxist sees a stop sign as an instrument of class conflict. He concludes that the bourgeoisie use the north-south road and obstruct the progress of the workers on the east-west

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Thursday 10 May 2012

Come and Celebrate Shabbat!

Shabbat (sabbath) is the only ritual observance instituted in the Ten Commandments. Primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment, the word ‘Shabbat’ comes from the root Shin-Bet-Tav, meaning ‘to cease, to end, or to rest’.
The injunction to “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy” is the fourth of the Ten Commandments recorded in the Torah (Shemot / Exodus 20:8; Devarim / Deuteronomy 5:12). The commandment continues: “Six days you

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Parasha Overview: Emor (Videos)

Weekly Sidra: Emor (Say)
Torah Portion: Leviticus / Vayikra / 21:1-24:23
Haftorah: Yechezkel / 44:15 - 44:31

Emor (אמור — Hebrew for "speak," the fifth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parshah) is the 31st weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the eighth in the book of Leviticus. It constitutes Leviticus 21:1–24:23. The title of the Parasha that comes from the first

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What is so important about the Priesthood Anyway?

Weekly Sidra: Emor (Say)
Torah Portion: Leviticus / Vayikra / 21:1-24:23
Haftorah: Yechezkel / 44:15 - 44:31
“But the levitical priests descended from Zadok, who maintained the service of My Sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from Me — they shall approach Me to minister to Me; they shall stand before Me to offer Me fat and blood — declares the Lord God. They alone may enter My Sanctuary and they alone shall approach My table to

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What is so important about the Priesthood Anyway?

Weekly Sidra: Emor (Say)
Torah Portion: Leviticus / Vayikra / 21:1-24:23
Haftorah: Yechezkel / 44:15 - 44:31
“But the levitical priests descended from Zadok, who maintained the service of My Sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from Me — they shall approach Me to minister to Me; they shall stand before Me to offer Me fat and blood — declares the Lord God. They alone may enter My Sanctuary and they alone shall approach My table to

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Priestly Gifts – Sidra Emor

Weekly Sidra: Emor (Say)
Torah Portion: Leviticus / Vayikra / 21:1-24:23 
Haftorah: Yechezkel / 44:15- 44:31
“This shall be their portion, for I am their portion; and no holding shall be given them in Israel, for I am their holding. 29 The meal offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings shall be consumed by them. Everything proscribed in Israel shall be theirs. 30 All the choice first fruits of every kind and all the gifts of every

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Sunday 6 May 2012

The Thirteen Foundations of Judaism

Messianic Jews are unique among other observant Jews in that we look to the Torah and Messiah and Messiah’s disciples for guidance and doctrine and theology. The rabbis of Judaism play also a role in our lives than in the lives of other Jews. Rabbinic rulings come after Messiah’s and the disciples’ halakah, their interpretation of how to live a Godly life according to the commandments.
We look at some of Judaism’s guiding principles and how we Messiah-believers

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Friday 4 May 2012

Maran Yeshua Melech HaMashiach's Tefilin (Video)

When we study the Hebrew Scriptures (from Genesis to Revelations writen by Jews to Jews), we find some very interesting verses concerning the tzitzit / fringes. In Hebrew, we say tzitziyot. Specifically, these verses are Mattityahu 9:20; 14:36a, Mark 6:56; and Luke 8:44. Without a shadow of a doubt, they demonstrate that Yeshua definitely was a Torah-observant Jewish man who kept the Torah commandment to wear tzitziyot in the four corners of his garment as instructed in the Torah in

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The False Messiah Armilus (Video)

In later Jewish eschatology and legend, a king who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah, and will be conquered by him after having brought much distress upon Israel.
Parasha Ve’zot Haberacha, Devarim 34 says “and the affliction of generation after generation, and the punishment of Armalgos the wicked…”
In ancient Jewish literature, the Anti-Christ (Greek term) or False/Psuedo Messiah (Aramaic term) was called "Armilus". "Armilus

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¿Que significa la palabra Maran?

Que significa la palabra Maran? Como Maran ata, o Maran Yeshúa?

מרן אתא אדונינו ישוע!
En los tiempos del segundo templo el lenguaje común en Israel era Arameo (Hebreo en las sinagogas), y claro es obvio que los emisarios de Maran Yeshúa HaMashiaj hablaban arameo. Desde los tiempos de Yermiyahu / Jeremías 8 hasta hoy en día es de costumbre

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Thursday 3 May 2012

Cling to God (Devekut)

Devarim / Deuteronomy 10:20. Moshe says, “You shall fear HaShem your God; you shall serve Him and cling to Him…” What does it mean to “cling to Him?” It is actually the same Hebrew word which is used of Adam in the garden when it says, “a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Bereshit / Genesis 2:24)
But how is this cleaving done in practical terms? The Rabbis ask,

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Worship of HaShem vs. Idol Worship

Why do people pray to idols? What does idol worship mean today? What is an idol? Is there new idols today?
Idol worship begins in the mind—it starts with an incorrect perception of who HaShem is. It says you can turn an abstract, invisible God into a concrete, metal, wood or plastic god, which of course, is impossible.  It is written by the Rambam’s 13 principles of the Jewish faith‎:  “I believe with perfect faith that God does not have a body.

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The Marranos Jews (Videos)

The story of the Marranos, the lost Jews from Spain, started in the 14th century when the Spanish Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church persecuted the large Jewish community in Spain and Portugal. Many Jews preferred to die rather than to give up their faith and convert. Many other Jews were forced to become Christians. Despite this, the church called them by the disparaging name Marranos which means pigs. They secretly continued to observe their Jewish faith, laws, holidays

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Los Marranos - Criptojudíos

Quienes son los marranos? Cuando la Iglesia Catolica establecio la Inquisicion en España en 1481, en conjunto con la explusion de los judios en 1492, la practica del judaismo era una ofensa castigable por el gobierno. Estableciendo las mas grotescas torturas y penas de muerte a todos los judios que no confesaran con su fe en el catolicismo. Siete años mas tarde en Portugal, en 1497 , ocurre lo mismo, siguieron el ejemplo de España. Esto trajo en consecuencias

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Tuesday 1 May 2012

Life and Holiness - Sidra Acharei Mot / Kedoshim

Weekly Sidra: Achrei Mot-Kedoshim
Torah Portion: Vayikra / Leviticus 16:1-20:27  
Haftorah: Yechezkel / Ezekiel 20:2-20
I am HaShem your God; walk in My statutes, and keep Mine ordinances, and do them;  and hallow My Sabbaths, and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God. (Yehezkel 20:19-20)
This week we have another double Parashat reading.  Achrei Mot (after the death) deals with what HaShem told

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Sunday 29 April 2012

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Do you enjoy our website? We would be very pleased if you'd like to link to our website. Do you want to do something great for the God of Israel and help spread His word to all the ends of the earth? If this ministry has touched you in any way, you can help support us in several ways.
1) Tell as many people as you know about Beth HaDerech; Messianic Jewish Congregation.

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Cochini Jews - Malabar Jews (Videos)

The Jews of India aren't one singular community. Among themselves they are divided into different communities. Each community has its own different culture, background and origin. Each community claims its arrival in India in different ways and it is not always clear how they really came to India. The three main Jewish communities of India are: Bene Israel, Cochini and Baghdadi. Besides there were Ashkenazi Jews and a community in east India which claim Israeli origin and call

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Cripto / Judíos Sefardíes / Anusim

Algunos Judíos Sefarditas son herederos de una herencia cultural diferente a la mayoría de la población de Judíos Askenazí en los Estados Unidos, Israel, y otros lugares (especialmente del centro y del este de Europa). Los Judíos Sefardíes tradicional hablaban Ladino, un dialecto judeo-español no Yiddish. “Sefarad” es el nombre Hebreo de España, pero Sefardí se refiere a los descendientes de los

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Messianic Jewish Emuna: Discipleship

(Mattityahu/Matthew 28:18-20) “Yeshua came and talked with them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make all people from all nations into talmidim, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.”
These were the last instructions of our Master to his talmidim (disciples) in the Good News according to Mattityahu. Here we

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Friday 27 April 2012

How to stop a mosque from being built

In Seville Spain, local people found a way to stop the construction of another mosque in their town. They buried a pig on the site, and made sure this would be known by the local press. 
The Islamic rules forbid the erecting of a Mosque on "pig soiled ground." The Muslims had to cancel the project. This land was sold to them by government officials. 
No protests were needed by the local people...and it worked!
Plant a pig.

Shariah's followers have long built mosques on

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Do you really want Mashiach now?

Do you really want Mashiach Now? Many people have that cry in their lips, but do not mean it. In the Amida which is a set of prayers composed by eighteen different prayers, we find at the end of it a prayer asking for Mashiach to come, to reveal Himself, and to bring Yeshuah / Salvation to our people, to our lives, to bring true Shelema (peace) to us and for all Israel His people.
The text says: “May the Shoot of David blossom and flourish, and let the light of Yeshuah /

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What is LaShon Harah (evil speech)?

One of the most difficult sections of the Torah to understand is the discussion of "Tzarat," a skin disease commonly mistranslated as "leprosy." In truth, Tzarat is a physical manifestation of a spiritual deficiency. The Talmud (Arachin 16) says that Tzarat comes specifically as a consequence of "lashon hara" - negative speech about another person.
A Jewish tale illustrates this point: A man went about the community telling malicious lies about his Rabbi.

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What is Messianic Judaism?

The earliest followers and disciples of Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth believed that Yeshua was the promised Mashiach (Messiah) of Israel and the Redeemer of all nations. However, they did not believe that Yeshua came to start a new religion or to abolish the Torah (Teaching, Instruction) of Moshe; instead, they continued to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as participants in the ancient Israelite faith, now called Judaism. To be clear, the first known Christians in fact were

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Wednesday 25 April 2012

Parashat Overview: Tazria - Metzora (Videos)

Weekly Sidra: Tazria-Metzora (Conceived-Leper)
Torah Portion: Vayikra / Leviticus 12:1-15:33
Haftorah: Melachim Bet / II Kings 7:3-7:20

Parashat Tazria - Metzora. The Parshahs of Tazria and Metzora continue the discussion of the laws of Tumah v'Taharah, ritual impurity and purity. A woman giving birth should undergo a process of purification, which includes immersing in a mikvah (a naturally gathered pool of water) and bringing offerings to the Holy Temple. All

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Life, Death and Everything in Between

Weekly Sidra: Tazria-Metzora (Conceived-Leper)
Torah Portion: Vayikra / Leviticus 12:1-15:33
Haftorah: Melachim Bet / II Kings 7:3-7:20
There were four men, lepers, outside the gate. They said to one another, "Why should we sit here waiting for death? If we decide to go into the town, what with the famine in the town, we shall die there; and if we just sit here, still we die. Come, let us desert to the Aramean camp. If they let us live, we shall live; and if

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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Is it Jewish to Believe in our Rabbi Yeshua HaMashiach?

To some, the concept of a Jew believing in our Rabbi Yeshua seems to be a contradiction. The reason is, many people have a dichotomy set up in their minds. On the one hand, you have Jews and Judaism and on the other hand, Christians and Christianity.
You are either one or the other… the thinking goes. But this simple dichotomy is in reality not so simple. If we go back 2,000 years historically, we find that our Rabbi Maran Yeshua was a Jew living in a Jewish land among Jewish

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La Vestimenta en la mujer judía

“La mujer judía debe vestirse de manera recatada y pulcra”
En sus vestidos no debe resaltar el color rojo, y sus ropas no deben ser escotadas.
Hoy en día hay más posibilidades para las mujeres judías a la hora de vestir por lo que hay mucha variedad en blusas, faldas, sombreros, gorros, y más. El uso del pantalón para algunas corrientes judías esta prohibidos, para otros no, pero la idea es que quienes aprueban su uso, plantean

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Sunday 22 April 2012

Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality

Most probable theory on why humans could become homosexuals is because of families without a father or a mother.
A boy that's raised only by a mother will have nobody to take men traits from. Very often if the father has been absent from the family life for longer periods, the guy might simply become very girly which may result in his attraction to same-sex.
The homosexual activists usually say, that there is no method of fighting with it and there's no way to cure this

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Homosexuality in the Buff

The Science of Homosexuality: “Well I was born this way - God created me this way - God made me a homosexual”
Due to the Fall of Mankind and sin entering the world it opened the door for physical degenerations, mutations, and physical and medical anomalies in the human genome as well as chemical imbalances and deficiencies in the brain. However, it’s not God’s fault, it’s ours. By our own free will to choose to sin, we made way for sin and

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